How To Send WhatsApp Message Without Saving Number

etondhmy1 year ago12 Views

Sometimes you will need to write to a WhatsApp number without adding or saving it as a contact in your agenda. Here are several ways to do it.

Although it has many practical features, WhatsApp lacks one feature. This time we are referring to the action of sending a WhatsApp message without adding the contact.

It’s unnecessary to add someone we don’t know to send them some messages. Sometimes we need to find out the name of the person, for example, the electrician, plumber, bricklayer, etc. However, there is a solution to this. You can always send WhatsApp messages without adding the individual.

1: Send WhatsApp without saving number, with link

To chat with someone in WhatsApp who is not in your phonebook, the solution is easy, and it only takes a few seconds to implement. Just follow the steps below:

Open the browser on your Android phone, iPhone, or computer and type the URL, replacing ” PhoneNumber ” with the contact number you want to send a text message to, including the country code.

Send WhatsApp message with a link

On the page that shows, tap Open.

Send WhatsApp message with a link

Now a conversation will open in WhatsApp, so you can directly write and send a message without adding a number.

Send WhatsApp without saving number, with link

2: Deactivate WhatsApp contacts synchronization

When you have to send WhatsApp messages to many people without adding them, it’s best to turn off the app’s contact access. This way will have to type the numbers manually for each.

Open Settings on your iPhone, tap Privacy, and then Contacts. Then turn off the switch for WhatsApp access.

Send WhatsApp without saving number, deactivating contacts sync

Now you can open WhatsApp and press the New chat option.

Write the phone number to which you want to send a WhatsApp message without adding, and press the Start new chat button.

Then you can send messages to that WhatsApp contact without adding their number to your phonebook.

3: Send WhatsApp without adding a contact from a group

You can also write to a WhatsApp number within a group without adding it. If the person you want to send a message to is in the same group as you, you can write to them like this:

You can tap a message from that person, tap More, and select the Reply privately option.

In addition, you can also enter the group information, go to the Participants and select the number of the person.

Then, in the user’s profile, click on the Message button.

Those are the two ways you can write to a WhatsApp number from a chat group without adding it to your phonebook.


As you have seen, that is all you have to do if you want to send WhatsApp messages to a number, not in your contact list. Once the conversation has started, you can return to WhatsApp at any moment and reply to messages within the chat.

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